5 Tips for the Twenty-Something Looking for Just a Bit More Financial Control…

from a twenty-something whose looking for it too.

Ellie Brooke
6 min readFeb 19, 2021
Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

The day that I realized I couldn’t remember how much student debt I was in, had no idea how much money was leaving my account each month for automatic bill payments, and whether or not I actually had enough money to stop and get that coffee before work…was the day I decided enough was enough, and sat down to take stock of my finances. These are a few steps that have helped me feel just a little more in control, a little more financially savvy, and even helped to make a little extra money. (***Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor of any kind. A few points in this article should not be done without first having a discussion with a financial advisor…and maybe your mom).

1. Budget every month.

Yes, I do mean every single month. Excel spreadsheets are your friend here…but if you want to go old-school with pen and paper, be my guest! Whatever you can do with the most ease and consistency to keep track of your money coming in and your money going out, DO IT.

For my budget, I started with a birds-eye view of my accounts first, to understand my debt, monthly bills, and yearly income. After that, I made a list of the things I wanted to spend my…



Ellie Brooke

Poetry inspired by nature and the inner-wrestling. Prose in pursuit of living well. Learning how to ‘be’. Find me at: wilderword.com